Since the demand of properties Izmir and Çeşme is higher ranked among domestic property buyers the return on investment rates are higher in comparison with Istanbul . Yearly thousands of people make the move to this more comfortable area . In general we see an increase in value of around 5 % in dollars on a yearly basis .
Rental Investments
We guide investors with the selection of rental assets as well . Depending on the budget of each investor we select a certain portfolio of rent-out properties in Izmir or Çeşme . Our financial advisors will assist clients with the return on investment prognosis and in general we can say a return of % 7 annually is common .
Boutique Hotel Investments
Aegean Locations has a limited exclusive portfolio of Boutique Hotel investments in Çeşme . After we analyze the needs of the investor we make a selection of potential investments . A non-disclosure agreement is set-up and we will inform all details and yearly income expectations .