AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ | Page 8

 Format your paper according to APA standards, including intext citations and a reference page if additional resources are used. =================================================== AED 222 Week 3 CheckPoint Classifying EBD and ADHD (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Classifying Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorders Resource: Ch. 7 & 9 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers, Does My Child Have an Emotional or Behavioral Disorder? and Classifying EBD and ADHD at Complete the multimedia activity, Classifying EBD and ADHD, which demonstrates the many considerations involved with identifying emotional and behavioral disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. Take a screen shot of your notes from the Classifying EBD and ADHD activity from your computer screen and paste it into the body of a new Microsoft® Word document. To do this, complete the following instructions: Press the Print Screen or PrtScr key on the upper-right hand corner of your keyboard. Open a new Word document.