AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ | Page 4

Refer to pp. 34–42 and 45–46 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers. Think about what IDEA 2004 has accomplished since it was enacted in 1975. Determine the following, explaining your answers in 200 to 300 words and citing any additional resources used in APA format: Has the law satisfied its purpose? In what ways does it affect diverse learners? How does Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 contrast with IDEA 2004? Is there room for improvement? =================================================== AED 222 Week 2 CheckPoint Final Project Matrix (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Final Project Matrix Refer to Ch. 6 & 8 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers. Record the following information regarding learning disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities in the appropriate sections of the matrix in Appendix B: Definition of the exceptionality Classification criteria and characteristics