AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ | Page 18

their student profiles and use their comments and feedback to improve your student profile. In the following scenarios, determine which level of behavior management is addressed and describe the factors involved that led you to these conclusions: Scenario One Carter is a 4th grade student who has displayed repetitive minor behavioral problems throughout the school year. The consequences contained within the classroom behavior management plan do not seem to be working for him, so his classroom teacher, Mr.Brunk, seeks the help of Mrs. Wright, the school counselor. Mrs. Wright invites Carter to join the school's Social Skills Club. She works with Carter regularly, both individually and in small groups, on the social skills he needs. He is given a positive behavior support plan and is explicitly taught the desired behaviors. In the club, Carter is asked to demonstrate the modeledbehavior or social skill and also practice and review the behavior or skill through role-play activities. Carter is given a behavior contract to use in the classroom and his parents reinforce the desired behaviors at home. After several weeks, Carter begins to respond to his support plan and contract by exhibiting better classroom behavior and social skills. Scenario Two Monica is a 5th grader with a history of violent behavior at school. She has been involved in several fights and suspended numerous times this school year. A group of school personnel including her classroom teachers, counselor, and assistant principal develops a