AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ AED 222 TUTOR Learn by Doing/ | Page 16

Format your paper according to APA standards, including in-text citations and a reference page if additional resources are used. =================================================== AED 222 Week 7 Exercise Creating a Student Profile for a Mock Case Study (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Exercise: Creating a Student Profile for a Mock Case Study Complete Appendix C to begin the first step of the Final Project, using the information you compiled in Appendix B. This exercise consists of creating a profile for a special-needs student. Specific information requirements are listed in Appendix C. Refer to the All Kinds of Minds Case Studies at for examples. =================================================== AED 222 Week 8 CheckPoint Blooms Taxonomy Planning Pyramids and Systematic Strategies (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT CheckPoint: Bloom’s Taxonomy Within a Planning Pyramid Identify, using the planning pyramid on p. 115 of Special Education for Today’s Teachers, which goals in the boxes on the left side of the form (in Figure 5.1 on p. 113) contain a verb from Bloom’s taxonomy.