AED 205 help A Guide to career/ AED 205 help A Guide to career/ | Page 10
Select the scenario below that is aligned with the age group you
are interested in working with.
• Identify strengths in the lesson or the teacher’s behavior that
make the lesson engaging.
• Address students who are not engaged in the lesson. How
would you approach the disengaged students, and what would
you do to get them interested in completing and learning from
the lesson? Use strategies for motivating disengaged students
discussed in Ch. 7.
o Elementary School:
Mrs. Nelson is teaching a vocabulary lesson. Standing at the
front of the classroom, she reads a short story to the class. The
story is about how a brother and sister that got lost in the woods
and survived on their own for 2 days until they were found by
their dog. All but two students, Stephanie and Oscar, are
listening with wide eyes and open mouths. After reading the
story, Mrs. Nelson lists some of the words from the story on the
board and asks the students to look up the words in the
dictionary, write the definition of each word, use each word in a
sentence, then draw a picture to illustrate the sentence. Their