AED 204 help A Guide to career/ AED 204 help A Guide to career/ | Page 9
exist related to gender. How do these stereotypes and misconceptions
impact education in the United States? What are your beliefs regarding
ability differences between males and females in general and in
education? What evidence can you present to validate your viewpoint?
Also consider the existing laws that are meant to guarantee equal
treatment in education for girls and boys.
For this assignment, address at least three of the following common
Boys are more suited for and more interested in math and science than
girls are.
Boys who participate in the arts are more likely to be homosexual.
Girls are more interested in domestic arts than boys are.
Boys are more interested in auto shop and wood shop than girls are.
Boys are more competitive in sports and academics than girls are.
· Check the Main forum to see which discussion cluster your
instructor has assigned you
to work with. In this cluster, you and your peers must discuss the impact
of at least three
of the above misconceptions on education. You must include
information from your
discussion cluster in your Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.