AED 203 help A Guide to career/ AED 203 help A Guide to career/ | Page 20

http://highered.mcgraw- ml · Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum · Consider that involving parents in the educational process— especially in controversial or innovative areas of instruction or assessment—can improve relationships between the school and the community while enhancing student learning. · Complete Exercise 8 under Discussion Questions and Application Exercises on p. 177 of the text. · Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to explain to an audience of parents the assessment methods listed in Exercise 8. The presentation needs to include an introductory slide, three to four content slides, and a concluding slide. · Use APA guidelines to format any in-text citations and references used in the presentation. · Post the presentation as an attachment. ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- AED 203 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION 1 For more course tutorials visit