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Adviser Update
Continued from page 5A
Julia Swan
is a freelance writer living in
Hellertown, Pa. She was an
editor at two weekly newspapers
in Pennsylvania for almost 15
years, and prior to that, worked
for 10 years as a part-time
reporter for a suburban daily
near Boston, Mass. She can be
reached at [email protected].
The good news is that much of
the new technology is becoming
less expensive, so more schools
will be able to afford some of
those tools.
Her status as the first woman
director of NSPA pleases her,
as do the advances women are
making in all areas. What’s most
important, she believes, is the
increasing number of women
behind the scenes in so many
The NSPA is a national
organization that supports
scholastic journalism at middle
school, high school and college
levels. The association provides
journalism education services
to students, teachers, media
advisers and others throughout
the United States.
NSPA Board President Al Tims said of Klos’ appointment: “We
are delighted to have found a journalism leader of Diana’s national
stature to lead our organization. This is a time of dynamic change for
journalism organizations of all kinds. Diana is the right person to help
us reach and serve even more young journalists and their advisers,
throughout the nation.”
NSPA DIRECTOR — Diana Mitsu Klos, the new executive director of the
National Scholastic Press Association, and Al Tims, president of the NSPA
Board, meet at the Journalism Education Association and National Scholastic
Press Association Convention in Boston. Klos believes that schools without
student media, such as newspapers and yearbooks, lack a sense of
community. Update photo by Bradley Wilson