By Adrienne L. Forgette, MJE
lthough most media
page 41, Ana Rosenthal describes
Ensuring press freedoms for our
advisers do not stop
how one student’s idea to create a
staffs starts with being thoroughly
working completely
special primary election issue was
proactive and knowledgeable
during the summer, I
well received by their school and
about press law and ethics.
hope this issue finds
local community. If you have an
Candace and John Bowen’s Press
you taking some down time to
idea on how your staff plans on
Law article in this issue on page
rejuvenate and refresh for the
tackling the presidential election,
27 offers an exhaustive list of
upcoming school year.
I invite you to submit an article for
electronic resources for advisers
our fall issue.
to use to be fully prepared to
Take some time to get caught
start the year with an extensive
up with journalism blockbusters
With openings recently posted
student press law knowledge
“Spotlight” and “Truth,” both
for the directors of both NSPA
released this past year. Michael
and JEA and with the momentum
Hernandez shares how he
of the New Voices movement,
plans to start the year with
there has never been a better
“Spotlight” as a springboard for
time to get involved and make an
his journalism curriculum on page
impact in the state and national
13. I screened the movie in my
leadership of our professional
media classes this past semester
journalism organizations.
and agree with Hernandez that
discussing the plot ahead of time
Having previously advised
is crucial. I found my students of
student publications in in
Catholic faith had a particularly
Maryland under prior review, I
emotional response to the film.
was thrilled to hear New Voices
legislation was approved. Gary
With the presidential election
Clites’ article in this issue outlines
around the corner, consider how
the arduous process the bill took
your staffs could become an
to become law, and as he says,
active part of the press in your
“starts with one person sending
local town during the race. On
and email or making a call.”
~ Adrienne Forgette
Adrienne Forgette is the Media Arts
Director at the Darlington School in
Rome, Georgia, where she advises the
Jabberwokk yearbook, Darlingtonian
online newspaper and Inkslinger literary
magazine. Forgette was recently
named a 2016 Lindblad Expedition
and National Geographic Grosvenor
Teacher Fellow. She holds a B.A. from
Colgate University and an M.A. from the
University of Maryland, College Park.
Email: [email protected]