Adviser Update Summer 2013 | Page 4

SUMMER 2013 P01.V54.I4 Page 4A My mentor, my comrade, my friend black I cyan magenta yellow Adviser Update FRIEND OF JOURNALISM — Dr. Stephen G-M Shenton receives the Pennsylvania School Press Association’s Friend of Journalism award at a 2003 luncheon. With Shenton are then Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation Executive Director Janet Neidig, PNA NIE Director Susan Morgan, and then PSPA Executive Director George Taylor. Update photo courtesy of PSPA S UMMER 2013 ROUNDUP Post your state, regional or national association’s activities in Adviser Roundup by dropping editor George Taylor ([email protected]) a line with your information. Photos with captions from events are welcome. Next deadline is Sept. 1. ACES The American Copy Editors Society, in conjunction with 10 other journalism organizations, has released its first e-book, “Telling the Truth and Nothing But.”   The book is available now as a free download at and is designed for media professionals who are responding to incidents of plagiarism and fabrication. The book offers tools to help identify and address those incidents.   Last September, ACES issued an invitation to several journalism organizations to develop resources for newsrooms to help combat plagiarism, obfuscation and fabrication. The issue was raised by Poynter Institute’s Craig Silverman in a Regret the Error blog. Silverman cited cases in which journalists and media groups with good reputations were guilty of plagiarizing, falsifying information, faking bylines and reporting inaccurate or unverified information. See Rich Holden’s related column on page A7 of this issue. t is with great sadness that I note the passing of Dr. Stephen G-M Shenton, professor emeritus of Shippensburg University. It was to Shippensburg that a very young, inexperienced teacher and adviser went for his initial dip into the pool of scholastic journalism. While we spent just a week on campus, we were expected to do loads of work both prior to and after our time together. Dr. Shenton was a real хͬ