Andrea Czobor
began her
journalism career
at The Woodlands
(Texas) High
School where
she was anchor
of Highlander
Television; President of SkillsUSA, a
broadcast and film organization; and
writer and multimedia producer for
The Woodlands Online.
Czobor is a freshman at the University
of North Texas, where she attended
the Mayborn Multimedia High School
Journalism Workshop.
At the workshop, Czobor produced a
video segment on race, equality and
diversity in the media, in which she
interviewed Dallas Morning News
columnist Chris Vognar and Jeff
Chang, journalist and author of “Who
We Be: The Colorization of America.”
Czobor found the experience
empowering, she wrote in her essay,
“The workshop had introduced me
to two impactful authors I connected
with, helping me to realize that with
what I have around me, I am capable
of changing the world one article and
one video at a time.”
Workshop director David Tracy wrote,
“In my teaching experience, Andrea is
the most promising young journalist
I have met, and I believe she will be
able to accomplish anything in this
profession that she chooses.”
Czobor’s goal is clear. She wrote,
“There is much change to be done,
so many voices to uncover, but with
what tools given to me and skills I
have gained, I can make a difference
with the career I am so passionate for.”
David Perez,
a senior at
High School in
Miami, dreams
of becoming a
broadcast news
anchor guided by a strong work
ethic and commitment to truthful
He started his journalism career at the
high school television station, where
he earned an Emmy for a Serious
News Story.
This past summer he honed his
video reporting and editing skills
while attending the Peace Sullivan/
James Ansin High School Workshop
in Journalism and New Media at the
University of Miami.
At the workshop Perez produced the
video “Keeping the Tradition Alive”
about the impact of climate change
on a local fishing business.
Workshop co-director Blevens wrote,
“After reporting a very good print
story, David Perez decided to cut an
entirely new path for video, finding
a family-owned fish business whose
experience with climate change
exemplifies its compelling effects on
small businesses in South Florida.”
Perez wrote in his essay: “While
working with professionals, I have
sharpened my skills for the next
chapter of my career, journalism at
the university level. I am confident
that with hard work and the skills
I have attained through Miami
Montage and high school, I can
continue to fuel my fire and become
the professional journalist I aspire to
Ever since elementary school
Ximena Tapia knew she wanted to
become a journalist. She began her
journey in fourth grade, signing up
to do the school’s televised morning
announcements and becoming
captain of the news team.