By Adrienne L. Forgette, MJE
’m excited to be serving as
You will also meet Michael
one of my former editors, who
Adviser Update’s new Editor-
Simons who shows us the value
is currently a magazine major
in -Chief starting with this
of empowering our students to
at the S. I. Newhouse School
first online edition. Since
teach their journalism skills to the
of Public Communications at
my high school days pasting
next generation of high school
Syracuse University. If you have a
up yearbook pages in the era of
former editor currently involved
wax pencils and printed photos,
in a publications program at the
I’ve had a love for organizing
These two advisers push me to
college level who you think would
think about how I can empower
be interested in being featured, I
my students to be agents of
would love to hear from you.
Every day as I read about the
change in their community. If you
accomplishments of my adviser
know of someone who inspires
peers, I am motivated to make my
you in our journalism community,
classroom better. In my role with
please encourage them to submit
this magazine, my goal is to shine
a piece for consideration.
a light on those who push us to
~ Adrienne Forgette
be better and ask us all to think
A new column, “What I Wish I
about how what we do matters.
Would Have Known”, features
At the end of the day, I think we
former high school journalists
could all benefit from added
who are now in college media
programs. The goal of this column
is to give both media advisers
In this first issue , you will hear
and students a glimpse into the
from advisers I turn to for
college newsroom and to either
motivation including Broadcast
affirm what we are doing in our
Teacher of the Year, Michael
curriculum or help point out
Hernandez, and his team of
areas we should focus on to make
broadcast students who have
our students fully prepared for
traveled to Cambodia, Cuba and
college media. This first column
Vietnam creating documentaries.
features Madeleine Buckley,
Adrienne Forgette is the Media Arts
Director at the Darlington School
in Rome, Ga. where she advises the
Jabberwokk yearbook, Darlingtonian
online newspaper and Insklinger literary
magazine. Forgette was recently
named a 2016 Lindblad Expedition
and National Geographic Grosvenor
Teacher Fellow. She holds a B.A. from
Colgate University and an M.A. from the
University of Maryland, College Park.
E-mail: [email protected]