Adviser Update Fall 2016 | Page 2

ADV ISER UPDATE FALL 2016 Table of Contents 6 COVERING POLITICS Retrospective from Dow Jones News Fund president Richard J. Levine on the excitement that covering a presidential election brings. 12 LOCALIZE THE ELECTION Gary Clites shares five specific ways to get your students engaged in the national election. DOW JONES NEWS FUND TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2016 19 DJNF TEACHER OF THE YEAR Learn about the 2016 Teacher of the Year, Lori Keekley, and the Distinguished and Special Recognition Advisers. ARTICLE SUBMISSION, STORY IDEAS Adviser Update welcomes story ideas and articles from its readers. Some articles are reprints from other publications in the field of scholastic journalism. Original articles should be between 400 and 600 words in length on topics of importance or interest to Update’s targeted audience. Color photos (high resolution jpegs) or PDF graphics are welcome. Authors must include a paragraph biography and a color headshot. Writers are paid based on the depth of the article, accompanying artwork and placement in the publication. Please address all story ideas and news items to: Adrienne Forgette Phone: (301) 503-9823 E-mail: [email protected] “As teachers, we need to have faith in, and empower the students.” Lori Keekley, St. Louis Park (Minnesota) High School 2016 National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year WHO ARE WE? The Dow Jones News Fund, a nonprofit foundation supported by the Dow Jones Foundation and other newspaper companies, encourages students to consider journalism careers. ADVISER UPDATE’S MISSION Adviser Update, a newsletter published by the Dow Jones News Fund for high school journalism teachers and publications advisers, is a free quarterly serving the inexperienced as well as the veteran. It is the seminal free resource for these educators, a clearinghouse of practical, topical information. Congratulations to these honorees! Distinguished Advisers: Terry Cassreino, St. Joseph’s Catholic H.S., Madison, Mississippi Patrick Johnson, Antioch (Illinois) Community H.S. Dave Riggs, Wenatchee (Washington) H.S. Leslie Shipp, Johnston (Iowa) H.S. Special Recognition Advisers: Cherie Burgett, Staley H.S., Kansas City, Missouri Mark Harrison, T.C. Roberson H.S., Asheville, North Carolina Teresa Scribner, Cleveland H.S., Seattle, Washington Jami Williams, Mexico (Missouri) H.S. Visit for more information. Thank You To Our Sponsors: C OVE R I L L U ST R AT I O N Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail. Photo Illustration by Yinuo Chen SU BSC R IP T ION To be placed on the Adviser Update distribution list sign up at ADVIS E R UPDATE Twitter: @adviserupdate Adrienne Forgette, MJE, editor Yinuo Chen, designer Ethan Pender, copy editor CONTACT THE NE WS F UND Mail: P.O. Box 300 Princeton, NJ 08543-0300 Phone: 609-452-2820 Fax: 609-520-5804 Email: [email protected] Information about the News Fund, its services and programs are available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and at