Adviser Update is distributed to 13,000+ high school educators.
Connect with educators, advisers and professional journalists by
placing a sponsored message in Adviser Update. By publishing
online we are able to reach a broader audience with more
interactive, engaging content. We offer competitive pricing, and
good discounts for sponsoring multiple issues and nonprofits.
The deadline fo the winter issue is November 27.
Sponsored Message Guidelines
All sponsored messages must be submitted by email to heather.
[email protected]. They should be submitted 300 PPI in JPEG,
PNG or PDF formats, full color. Messages are hyperlinked at no addi-
tional cost, please include the hyperlink in the email. Videos may be
embedded using links from YouTube or Vimeo.
Contact Heather Taylor at [email protected] for a copy
of the sponsorship form and additional information.
Richard J. Levine, President
Diana Mitsu Klos, Secretary
Paul Schmidt, Treasurer
Thomas E. Engleman
Gail Griffin
Ken Herts