Adviser Update Adviser Update Fall 2017 | Page 21

21 learn how the world works and their place in it — the book will help them be more civically engaged.” Paron and illustrator Javier Güelfi had been bouncing the idea of a comic book-style journalism textbook for a few years. Eventually, they both decided it was “now or never” — that people needed this resource more than ever. Their Kickstarter campaign reached its US$17,000 goal in April. To date, the campaign, which is also sponsored by the Dow Jones News Fund, has raised US $18,606. Paron said the project’s success shows how many people now understand the integral role that quality journalism plays in democratic societies. “The project really tapped into the zeitgeist,” Paron said. “It was exciting to see how many people not in the field understood the importance of journalism education.” Set for an early 2018 release, A NewsHound’s Guide to Student Journalism will be available in both softcover and ebook format. Paron said the book’s anticipated US$20 price point — with bulk discounts available — was key to making it as accessible as possible. While it’s geared toward a high school audience, Paron explained it could also be used by media educators in middle schools and community colleges. This post originally appeared on the International Journalists’ Network ( and is published in Adviser Update with permission. IJNet delivers the latest on global media innovation, news apps and tools, training opportunities and expert advice for professional and citizen journalists worldwide. IJNet is produced by the International Center for Journalists in seven languages - Arabic, Chinese, English, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. “I have a high bar for teen journalists because I know they can reach it and shine a spotlight on their school community when no one else is looking,” Paron said. Subscribe to IJNet’s free, weekly newsletter. You can also follow IJNet on Twitter or like IJNet on Facebook. For a sneak preview of the book’s chapter on plagiarism and fabrication, click here. Main image courtesy of A NewsHound’s Guide to Student Journalism.