Adviser Update Adviser Update Fall 2017 | Page 2

ADV ISER UPDATE FALL 2017 Table of Contents 09 SURVEY TEAM BUILDER How a survey was able to boost student media visibility, name recognition and recruit newsroom staff. 13 JUST RIGHT PHOTOS Tips for training well- rounded photojournalists and evaluating their work. 2 3 ARE WE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER? What media advisers can learn from world champion coaching philosophies. C OVE R P H OTO In front of the spirit line at the beginning of a playoff football game at Highland Park High School in Dallas, Texas, a student photojournalist lays down to compose her shot. Photo by Margie Raper SU BSC R IP T ION To be placed on the Adviser Update distribution list sign up at ARTICLE SUBMISSION, STORY IDEAS Adviser Update welcomes story ideas and articles from its readers. Some articles are reprints from other publications in the field of scholastic journalism. Original articles should be between 400 and 600 words in length on topics of importance or interest to Update’s targeted audience. Color photos (high resolution jpegs) or PDF graphics are welcome. Authors must include a paragraph biography and a color headshot. Writers are paid based on the depth of the article, accompanying artwork and placement in the publication. Please address all news items and story ideas to: Heather Taylor Phone: (609) 520-5912 Email: [email protected] ADVIS E R UPDATE @AdviserUpdate Heather Taylor, publisher Yinuo Chen, designer CONTACT THE NE WS F UND Mail: P.O. Box 300 Princeton, NJ 08543-0300 Phone: (609) 452-2820 Fax: (609) 520-5804 Email: [email protected] WHO ARE WE? The Dow Jones News Fund, a nonprofit foundation supported by the Dow Jones Foundation and and other media companies, promotes journalism careers in the digital age. ADVISER UPDATE’S MISSION Adviser Update, a digital magazine published by the Dow Jones News Fund for high school journalism teachers and publications advisers, is a free quarterly serving the inexperienced as well as the verteran. It will be the seminal free resource for these educators, a clearinghouse of practical, topical information. Information about the News Fund, its services and programs is available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and