Adviser Summer 2017 Annual Conference Recap | Page 19

Before You Fly Into the Twitterverse, Check Out These 10 Useful Tips By Andrew Gregory, director of multimedia for Corning Place Communications With 328 million monthly active users, Twitter is one of the most popular social networks - and for good reason. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Twitter is a predominantly real-time network. Users (individuals, organizations and brands) often use the platform to engage in abbreviated conversation. Before you start using Twitter, here are 10 introductory tips for your consideration. 1. Include Keywords By using relevant keywords in your tweets, users who are searching for the keywords will be able to find your content. Keyword inclusion will also help you be consistent in your messaging. 2. Use Hashtags Like keywords, hashtags help ensure that your content is as discoverable as possible, and enable you to connect with like-minded users. Be sure to limit your use of hashtags - three or more is probably overkill. 3. Draft and Schedule Your Tweets Spending a significant amount of time monitoring and responding to tweets is not ideal for many organizations and brands. In order to provide your followers with a regular stream of content, you’ll want to pre-write and schedule tweets to be published during peak user times. Twitter’s own Tweetdeck platform - https:// - allows you to schedule tweets for later publication. 4. Encourage Engagement Engagement is key to building your Twitter following. This can be as simple as asking your followers to retweet (share) your tweets. You can also tweet at another user who has posted content relevant to your interests and provide them with positive feedback. Consistent engagement with followers and non- followers will provide with the opportunity to establish yourself as a credible and knowledgeable voice. 5. Create Lists As you follow more users, you’ll begin to see that your Twitter feed (the stream of content) can get clogged quickly. Grouping users that you’re following into lists will help you keep your feed organized. These lists can either be public or private. If you create a publicly available list of credible and engaging users, there’s a good chance that like-minded users will subscribe to your list. 6. Polish Your Profile Your profile is your opportunity to make a great first impression. Your profile picture, header image and bio information should be as polished as possible. Make sure your images are crisp and your bio info is free of any typos. You don’t want to give any potential followers a negative impression right out of the gate. 7. Embed Images and Videos It’s a well-documented fact that tweets that include images (photos, infographics, etc.) and video perform better than plain text tweets. According to a 2013 analysis from popular scheduling app Buffer, tweets with images received 150 percent more retweets than plain text tweets. According to Twitter’s own 2015 analysis, 82 percent of all users watch video content on the platform. 8. Focus on Quality, Not Quantity of Followers Amassing 1 million Twitter followers sounds awesome but if the vast majority of those followers aren’t engaging with your content, what’s the point? Take the time to build quality relationships with your target audiences and you’ll benefit in the long run. 9. Listen Closely Social listening is an incredibly valuable tactic when your first start using Twitter. Being able to see what your target audiences are discussing, whether it to your organization or a specific topic, allows you to see which users are active and interested in what you’ll be sharing. 10. Check Your Metrics Twitter’s built-in metric tool - - can provide you with incredibly valuable data about your tweets and followers. Take the time each month to closely examine this data and modify your tweets accordingly. For example, if you know that tweets with infographic images are outperforming tweets with standard photographics, then load up on those infographics. If you’re users are more active during PM hours, then you should schedule your high-value content during that time. Hopefully, these introductory tips will help you as you spread your wings and take to Twiter. This comprehensive glossary of Twitter terms is a very useful resource for beginners: https://support. Be sure to bookmark Twitter’s own starter guide for more valuable pointers: https://support.twitter. com/categories/281. And if you’re looking for your first Twitter account to follow, the CPC team would be happy to have you at @ cpcalbany. Corning Place Communications is an award-winning strategic communications firm based in Albany, NY. To learn more about CPC’s unique approach and team of professionals, visit 18