Adviser LeadingAge New York Summer 2015 July 2015 | Page 4
Change is Inevitable
According to Greek philosopher Heraclitus, “The only thing that is constant is
change.” In the aging field, this means that as times change, we must reinvent
ourselves to remain relevant. Mission-driven organizations may have the
advantage over their profit-driven competitors because historically they’ve
had to be flexible and willing to experiment to stay true to mission and remain
relevant as conditions like societal norms or funding change. Having the right
tools and having tested new ideas in a smaller arena are keys to being able to
change quickly as conditions warrant.
The Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) Innovation grants have been a timelimited means to test some new ideas. New York State has been awarded
enhanced federal Medicaid matching funds to implement the BIP. As part
of the award, the State has made available $47 million in BIP Innovation
Fund grants to providers of community-based long term care services and
supports. In this issue, LeadingAge New York public relations consultants,
Steve Greenberg and Bob Bellafiore, checked in with seven LeadingAge New
York members or affiliates who have implemented a
demonstration project under BIP to see what type of
The Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) Innovation
ideas are being tested, what has worked well, what
grants have been a time-limited means to test
they have learned and what they’d tell the State if
some new ideas. New York State has been awarded
As always Adviser is packed with information from
Endorsed Vendors and Business Partners that offer
new ideas, cost saving strategies and support in
transitioning to new ways of doing business. Parker
Jewish Institute for Healthcare and Rehabilitation
and Custom Computer Specialists off