Adviser LeadingAge New York Summer 2015 July 2015 | Page 37

Total Senior Care Kelly A. Dickerson, communication, information and marketing director Q. Please provide a brief description of your BIP innovation grant project. Q. Specifically, what worked? And what didn’t work? Dickerson: Total Senior Care difficult finding appropriate staffing than we had anticipated. Adult day center staff work closely with participants, so you want to make sure you have the right people. They need to be cheerful, helpful, empathetic and love working with the elderly. These locations are in very rural areas, so there is not a large applicant pool. received a BIP grant to help with establishment of adult social day programs in Gowanda, Cattaraugus County, and Wellsville, Allegany County. Both are in rural areas, with limited services for the frail elderly. Q. What were the goals and objectives of the project? Dickerson: The goals and objectives were all aligned to successfully open adult day centers. This included buying equipment, finding and training staff and marketing the program. Q. Overall, would you say that you met the goals and objectives? Please explain. Dickerson: We have met our goals for the Gowanda site. It opened in May and we celebrated with a grand opening on June 12. Enrollment is still building, but we aren’t concerned that we won’t meet the target. Our Wellsville site will open last this summer, as was planned. Dickerson: It was a little more Q. What are your plans for sustainability of the project? Dickerson: We absolutely believe the program is sustainable through use of the program by our Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, the Veterans Administration, private pay and other organizations who provide services to the frail elderly. Q. If you had it to do over, what would you h ave done differently? Dickerson: It took a long time to get the actual contract signed by all necessary state officials. That shortened our timeline to get everything done. The state changed its system of contract approvals and notifications, which we didn’t know. Next time I would schedule a weekly reach out to the state comptroller’s to have a better understanding of where the contract was in the approval process. Q. If the State asked you what it should do next, what would you say? Dickerson: We would love for the state to provide capital funding for expansion of the PACE program. The BIP grant didn’t allow for any “bricks and mortar.” Finding funding for construction costs is difficult. Q. What would you recommend to colleagues given your experience with this BIP grant? Dickerson: We were fortunate to have a wonderful grant officer at NYSDOH that handled our project. I would recommend that other organizations develop cordial relationships with their assigned person. They can help you solve problems and steer you in the right direction. I really felt our grant officer wanted us to succeed. 36