services of Virtual Concierge based on the
suggestions shared by older adults at Sarah
Neuman. In response to requests to be able to play
specific songs, Soundmind will be incorporating
a music streaming service. Jewish Home’s
therapeutic recreation leaders mentioned that
clients would like Alexa to recite spiritual readings
when prompted, so the organizations are working
together to meet their request.
In addition to personalizing Virtual Concierge based
on client preferences, Jewish Home is exploring
ways the technology can be used to complement
and strengthen existing programs, especially
those that help improve the quality of life for older
adults with dementia. As the first skilled nursing
facility to collaborate with Inspired Memory Care,
Jewish Home’s Westchester campus is providing
rehab patients with memory impairments and
their caregivers a strengths-based approach to
meeting the unique needs of this population.
Sarah Neuman also recently earned Comfort
Matters® accreditation, a program that implements
evidence-based best practices in dementia care that
emphasize residents’ comfort.
A comprehensive health care system for older adults,
The New Jewish Home is beginning to examine how
it can expand Virtual Concierge so that clients of its
community-based programs can also benefit from
this personalized technology.
“Our Virtual Concierge program has been incredibly
successful for our clients and staff at Jewish Home,”
said Sandra Mundy, Administrator of The New
Jewish Home’s Westchester campus. “As a system
that is focused on empowering older adults to
enhance purpose and well-being, we look forward to
continuing to embrace technology to engage, inform
and meet the needs of our clients.”
Virtual Concierge in a
Resident’s Room
For many older adults, being
able to easily connect to their
personalized care team, find
out what’s on the menu and
enjoy music of their choice
(“Sinatra” remains one of the
most frequent requests) is
empowering. 36