Advertising Standards Bureau Review of Operations 2014 | Page 99

4. roviding input into the monitoring of P compliance with the Initiative, including corrective actions. This includes compliance via company reporting, purchased advertising data and the Advertising Standards Board’s determinations. 5. roviding strategic advice to the AFGC P Board on the value of the Initiative to industry and any repositioning or strategies that may improve its effectiveness. 6. verseeing periodic review of the Initiative O and amendments as required. Membership Secretariat The Initiative Administration Manager will provide secretariat support for all activities of the Initiative Administration Committee. Meeting Schedule Meetings will be scheduled on a quarterly basis and held via teleconference. Additional meetings may be held on an as-needs basis via teleconference or face-to-face. Observers There will be 5 members on the Initiative Administration Committee, comprising: The Initiative Administration Committee may invite observers to meetings. Observers have no voting rights. • C hair—AFGC Board member or delegate Decision Making Procedure • I ndustry representatives (2)—one from RCMI’s Signatories and one from the QSR Initiative’s Signatories In the instances that a vote is required, decisions will be made by a majority • E xternal stakeholders (2) Duration of Membership Each member is appointed for a period of two (2) years. Upon completion of this period, an individual may nominate for re-appointment. Appointment of Members The Initiative Administration Manager will coordinate the selection and appointment of members and the review of their performance to ensure the continued effectiveness of the Initiative Administration Committee. All members are to be notified to the AFGC Board. Review of Operations 2014 97