Advertising Standards Bureau Review of Operations 2014 | Page 24

Internal business processes Advertising Standards Board decision‑making is independent, effective, and robust 14.5 Average time for completion of Independent Review 37.6 Average complaint resolution timeframe DAYS DAYS The ASB launched a recruitment campaign for new members of the Board in early 2014, resulting in seven new members being appointed to the Board in September 2014. The new Board members participated in an induction and training day, alongside continuing members, to introduce them to the advertising codes and the important role that they had agreed to undertake. To ensure Board members have an understanding of current trends and perceptions in the broader community, a regular program of training days and awareness sessions are conducted. In 2014 two training days were held which focussed on specific issues in relation to all Codes and Initiatives applied by the Board in its determination of cases. Another element of the complaints handling process includes the option of complainants seeking an independent review of Board determinations. During 2014 three cases were considered by the Independent Reviewers who recommended that two cases be confirmed and The ASB complaints handling service applies across all media and meets established industry benchmarks and best practice Even with the increased number of complaints in 2014, the number of complaints assessed as falling under the consistently dismissed complaint policy (174 in 2014) was similar to the number in 2013 (170). This policy has streamlined the adjudication process to enable the Board to focus on cases which raise concerns about new and existing issues. To maintain a high-level knowledge of international best practice initiatives, the ASB CEO attended the annual European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) General Council Meeting in Amsterdam during April. Priority areas for discussion focused on capacity building and work to improve cross border complaints cooperation from an international self‑regulation viewpoint. that the Board decision in the remaining case be reviewed. These cases are available from the ASB website with a precis also available in this report (see Independent Review section). A debrief was held with Independent Reviewers to discuss recent IR decisions and modifications to internal case management procedures. 22 Advertising Standards Bureau