Advertising Standards Bureau - Review of Operations 2013 | Page 28

A committed, appropriately skilled and sustainable workforce Long term development High standards in governance The ASB endeavours to provide a rewarding The ASB capitalises on opportunities to administer all advertising and marketing communications complaints codes Board of Directors members attended a strategic planning exercise with an external facilitator Training for staff is available on request and is also promoted in relation to skills and qualifications required. As well as attendance at a variety of industry workshops and conferences to maintain a current knowledge of industry trends, staff training was undertaken in presentation skills, company secretary responsibilities and governance practices. The Bureau made the decision in 2013 to resume in-house administration of the Claims Board, which had been outsourced almost since its inception. It is hoped bringing the procedures back in-house and some minor changes to the Procedural Guidelines for participants will provide the Bureau with the starting point to reinvigorating this avenue for alternative dispute resolution between competitors in 2014. and challenging work environment while also maintaining a flexible family-friendly workplace. In 2013 a new position of project and communications assistant was created, following the successful trial of the role in 2012. The position provides research, administrative, technical, and general communications support to several members of staff. The ASB maintained an employee assistance program (EAP) through an external service provider which provides advice, counselling and support to all Bureau staff. In terms of specific staffing information, for the calendar year ended 31 December 2013, ASB had: • nine staff members, seven who work part‑time hours • a full time staffing equivalent of 6.56 people • a n average staff tenure of 5.60 years • in March. This exercise was held to harness the expertise and skills of the Directors in development of the Strategic Plan 2013-2015. A new policy was endorsed by the Board on the appointment of Alternate Directors, providing greater flexibility for future appointees. Following the policy’s endorsement, the Board approved the appointment of new director (Simon Talbot) with an alternate (Rebecca Boustead) in October. In 2013, the ASB made submissions to the ANZTPA in relation to its consultation document, Possible Joint Regulatory Scheme for therapeutic products for Australia and New Zealand and to the Therapeutic Goods Administration Consultation RIS: Regulating the advertising of therapeutic goods to the general public. In both submissions, the ASB proposed that it take on the complaint resolution process for therapeutic goods advertising, bringing therapeutic goods advertising into line with other Australian advertising. The consultation outcomes were yet to be released at the end of 2013. Company secretarial responsibilities were brought in-house in 2013, leveraging off skills available internally and providing an opportunity for further professional development and reduced costs. a staff gross attrition rate of 11.2% (one separation) for 2013. 26 Advertising Standards Bureau