Advertising Standards Bureau - Review of Operations 2013 | Page 15

5 15 years of operation 15 years of operation Since it began operations in 1998, the Advertising Standards Bureau has continued to make milestone achievements which highlight the benefits of advertising self‑regulation to the community, Australian business and Government. Growth of self-regulation One of the most obvious examples of the growth of self-regulation is the number of Codes and Initiatives now administered by the ASB. In 1998 there was just one—the AANA Code of Ethics. Today there are seven industry Codes and Initiatives which cover general advertising, and more specific sectors such as food and automotive advertising. • • A ANA Code for Advertising and Marketing Communications to Children • A ANA Food and Beverages Advertising and Marketing Communication Code • F ederal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) Voluntary Code of Practice for Motor Vehicle Advertising • A ustralian Food and Grocery Council Responsible Children’s Marketing Initiative of the Australian Food and Beverage Industry • In its 15 years of operation the ASB has received a total of 43,570 complaints. The number of cases dealt with during that time totals 7042. Of all cases considered since operations began, the Board has found just over seven per cent to breach the Code. A ANA Environmental Claims in Advertising and Marketing Code • Review of Operations 2013 A ANA Advertiser Code of Ethics In the first year of its operation, the ASB received just under 1400 complaints about 267 ads. In the past year, 2773 complaints were received about 440 ads. A ustralian Food and Grocery Council Quick Service Restaurant Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children While the vast majority of advertisements complained about receive just one complaint, the highest number of complaints about any single ad in the past 15 years is 359. 13