Adventure to live-booklet Adventure to live-booklet | Page 8


“ In every walk with nature , one receives far more than he seeks “ John Muir

Hikers battle bug bites , blisters and bruises for the sake of overcoming a challenge and enjoying some quality time with nature . But along with the snow-capped mountain tops and ocean views come an abundance of mental and physical perks .
Here ’ s what hikers can teach the rest of us about leading a happier , healthier life .
Hikers are creative
Forget the caffeine . Those looking for a brainpower boost need not look further than the closest trail . Research shows that spending time outdoors increases attention spans and creative problem-solving skills by as much as 50 percent . The authors of the study also point out that the results may have as much to do with unplugging from technology as they do spending time outside . “ This is a way of showing that interacting with nature has real , measurable benefits to creative problem-solving ,” David Strayer , co-author of the study , tells the Wilderness Society .
Plus , it ’ s not only the lack of technology and surplus of trees , sunshine and fresh air that contribute to this creativity boost in trail blazers . Researchers from Stanford University ’ s Graduate School of Education found that walking gets the creative juices flowing far more than sitting .
Hikers are seriously fit
Hitting the trail works out your body as much as it does your brain . Just one hour of trekking can burn well over 500 calories , depending on the level of incline and the weight of the pack you ’ re carrying . Hiking is a great way to get a serious workout without putting too much pressure on your joints . “ Trails are often softer on joints than asphalt or concrete ,” Caroline Stedman , a seasonal Park Ranger at northern Wisconsin ’ s Apostle Islands National Lakeshore , tells The Huffington Post . “ So I find myself feeling less stiff and creaky after a hike than a jog down a sidewalk .”
If you head for the hills , weight loss results are even better . Not only are you burning some serious calories , but altitude itself has also proven a weight loss ally .
Plus , tramping through the trails on a regular basis decreases blood pressure and cholesterol . Logging cardio in the form of hiking can lower blood pressure by four to 10 points , and reduce the danger of heart disease , diabetes and strokes for those at high-risk . And don ’ t lose heart if you ’ re not out of breath on the way back . Both the ups and downs have benefits when it comes to lowering cholesterol , but hiking downhill is two times more effective at removing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance .
Hiking heals
Some research suggests that the physical benefits of hiking extend far beyond cardiovascular health , and may even go as far as to help cancer patients recover . In a study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine researchers measured oxidative stress ( thought to play a role in the onset , progression and recurrence of cancer ) rates of women with breast cancer and men with prostate cancer before and after hiking . The study found that long distance hiking trips may improve the antioxidative capacity , which helps fight off disease , in the blood of oncological patients .
Another study showed that breast cancer survivors who exercised regularly — many in the form of hiking — believed that physical activity complemented their recovery from cancer treatment .
Hikers are happier
Research shows that using hiking as an additional therapy can help people with severe depression feel less hopeless , depressed and suicidal . It may even inspire those suffering from it to lead a more active lifestyle .
For those who don ’ t suffer from depression , hiking still offers mental benefits . Being out in nature , away from the business of our daily lives and technology , can allow people to connect with themselves and nature in a way that brings about peace and a sense of well-being .
Interested in taking up the sport yourself ? So you ’ re ready to hear the crunch of leaves under your feet and see the world from above . Luckily , it ’ s easier to start hiking than you may think . We talked to the experts to find the best tips for beginner hikers :
Start small . Stepping over tree roots and maneuvering around rocks on a trail can be more tiring that you might imagine . Start out with a few kilometers at a time and gradually build up to longer treks . It ’ s also important to start practicing with a pack of some sort .
Prepare for the worst . Hopefully you won ’ t need to use that first aid kit or emergency shelter , but it never hurts to be prepared . Take extra water , snacks , sunscreen , bug spray and at least a small first aid kit , even on shorter hikes .
Overestimate your trail time . Hiking can be a slower process than newbies realize . As a general rule of thumb — keeping in mind that time is based off of physical fitness and elevation — you can expect to cover about four kilometers an hour . Then , add an additional hour of extra time .
Don ’ t ignore your own backyard . You don ’ t have to live in the mountainous area to enjoy some quality trail time . Cities , counties and states all have parks or natural areas to get started hiking .
Use the buddy system . Two brains are better than one , so partner up and hike with someone who knows the trail or the area well . It ’ s also important to tell someone where you are going and when you are expected home .