Adventure Outdoors Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 107

If you ’ re active-duty , we know you have a strict schedule , and a way-harder workout routine than the average Joe . But if you ’ ve retired , or are just trying to maintain and improve your body and health overall , then we ’ ve got some tips from the experts to share . Often overlooked because of the many diet fads stealing the spotlight , these common-knowledge steps will save you every time . Welcome to the crashcourse !
Test Your Abilities
It is crucial that you challenge yourself on a regular basis . The same old gym routine may help you keep off those few unwanted pounds , but it will do absolutely nothing for your core and your muscles . By testing your abilities , you ’ ll keep your body at peak performance levels , all while maintaining what you ’ ve already worked so hard to achieve . In the military , soldiers are required to run through a varying set of obstacles , whether that means they ’ re outside in the pouring rain at 0400 running drills , or practicing agility on balance beams . This means when a friend asks you to take a new fitness class with them , do it . Get out and try those activities that you ’ ve never done , or have maybe only tried once or twice . Sure , we get it , yoga just isn ’ t your thing – try it anyway . Keeping your muscles in shock and awake is what is going to help you surpass what you ’ ve already managed to maintain .
Strength Training is Important
Obviously if you work in a hard labor position , or you ’ re constantly doing things that require a great deal of strength , then we don ’ t suspect that you need to be lifting weights . For the rest of us who have all but given up on a regular routine , strength training is extremely important and should not be skipped over . Resistance bands , free weights , home gyms , or even taking a jog with some heavy gear on are all things you can utilize to strengthen your muscles . The more resistance there is , the more you ’ re actually doing with your muscle , and the stronger you will become .
If your goal isn ’ t to get ripped , then don ’ t bother spending 4 hours a day training . But it is recommended that 3 times a week , you get up and get moving , so be sure to incorporate strength training into your weekly exercise routine for maximum results .
Enjoy Yourself
Do not – we repeat , do NOT – run yourself ragged . We ’ re all human , we all enjoy the good , fattening foods and the relaxing days spent doing absolutely nothing . If you deny yourself these simple pleasures , you ’ ll fail in the long run . Allowing yourself to indulge will keep your body in shape ! By grabbing a “ cheat meal ” or spending the weekend on the couch , you ’ ll be resting your muscles , which gives them time to heal . Therefore , when it ’ s time to hit the ground running again , your body will feel energized and ready to go , and you ’ ll get much more out of your regular workout than you would if you just ran through the motions all year long .
• Crack down on your body ’ s expectations by incorporating new activities into your lifestyle – give your muscles a shock ! You ’ ll build stamina , increase strength , and maintain your health by mixing things up on a regular basis .
• Lift heavy things . Use resistance bands . Go the extra mile . If you ’ re not strength training , then you ’ re not improving yourself .
• Take a breather ! Remember to relax and enjoy a bowl of pasta and a good movie . Sometimes vegging out in front of the TV is just what the doctor ordered . Give your body a break , and it will go to work even harder for you during the next workout .
To get outdoors and really get dirty , you ’ ve got to have the body for it . Make sure yours is in tip-top shape this season , so that you ’ re ready to take on whatever nature has the guts to throw at you !