As for sunglasses and sunscreen, this is
only a must if you are in warmer weather.
During the winter, we would tell you that a
coat is necessary. As summer is now beginning, sunscreen is not a bad idea, especially
when you are going to be vulnerable to the
elements for long periods of time while backpacking. Opt for a small photon light keychain attached to your multi-tool, or a headlamp. For ultra-lightweight camping, the
photon light is the way to go. These are sold
individually, for around $10. If you decide
to purchase a small survival kit, sometimes
they include a light, as well as a whistle, and
some other items. These kits go for about
$20, depending on the quality and materials.
When considering the weight of literally everything, you may not think that things this
small will make much of difference, but they
will. Pack this stuff first, and if there is extra
weight leftover, then throw in toilet paper
and snack bars.
If you catch a cold, you’ll need medicine.
If you scrape your knee open on a boulder,
you’ll want ointment. These are all extremely likely events when you put yourself in the
position to be exposed to such conditions.
The important part is to remember
what to do in those unique situations and to be as prepared
as possible.
60 Summer 2016 Adventure Outdoors
With a pack at 5lbs, sleeping gear at
3lbs, nutrition and a stove at 3lbs, and
the essentials coming in at about 4lbs,
you’re looking at the bare minimum
adding up to a total of 15lbs. This is
a rough estimate, as some new technology will offer up gear at a fraction of the projected weight for its
class. The category is known plainly
as “ultralight,” so look for that when
purchasing new equipment for this
specific trip. Gear this light, that still
maintains applicable durability and
function, does not come cheap.
Be prepared to pay a few hundred
dollars for a sleep sack under 2lbs,
and shop around for an alcohol-fueled stove. Do not purchase any
gear online without making sure
that it is coming from a verified
source with a return policy. Don’t
expect to find a product of quality
for $100 less; It just won’t perform.
Whether you’re wanting to explore nature with the
bare minimum as a challenge to yourself, or if you
are looking for ways to lighten the carload next time,
these methods are great for determining what is necessary. If you have been camping a few times before
and would like to try something different, this is for
you. If you’ve never been camping before, then we
recommend staying with experienced campers for
the first few outings. Ultra-lightweight backpacking
is ultra-challenging, but worth every bead of sweat.
Take advantage of the purity nature has to offer.
good luck out there!