When shopping for the flies, it is all about personal
preference. The flies themselves have everything from
fur to feathers to fringe, and are supposed to mimic the
natural insects and other food sources for the fish, depending on which area you are in. Go for a fly that is
made for the species you hope to catch and make sure
that it matches the weight of the lines and rods you are
using. The actual casting of the fly over and over again
is what gets the fish to bite, so if your lures and flies are
no good, your whole set-up is no good. Talk to your local bait and tackle expert for tips on what to purchase.
Now that you’ve got the low-down on how to gear up,
you can get to fishing! As was stated previously, fly
fishing is meant for shallower waters and shorelines, so
find a spot nearby that offers room to wade out and cast
a long line. If the purchasing of gear is too much to take
on for you beginners (it’s a lot!), we recommend taking a
daytrip with a group and renting equipment from their
facilities until you get the hang of it and are ready to
venture out on your own. If you try it and come to find
that fly fishing is not for you, well then, at least you
didn’t waste your money on all that gear beforefhand.
and from what flies are “in” that season. For example,
you don’t want to cast a giant bug like fly during the
winter, because the fish will know that it isn’t the time
of year for that type of insect. Same goes for casting
smaller flies in the summer, as the fish will expect bigger targets during mating season.
48 Summer 2016 Adventure Outdoors