Adventure Gaming - TyanTyan2013 1 | Page 3

Step 3: Tools

The main things in minecraft besides ore, they help with mining, farming and everything! AXE-makes chopping down trees a lot easier. HOE-the only way to farm is to use one of these. SHOVLE-can be used to mine sand, dirt, soul sand, clay and gravel quickly. FLINT AND STEEL-can set things on fire. BOW-can shoot arrows at anything you want. If this sounds easy, try using the pickaxe, sword and fishing rod by yourself!

Step 4: Mobs/Enemies

there are 3 types of mobs and they are: passive, hostile and mobs that will only attack if agitated. passive-sheep, cows, pigs, squid, chickens, snow golems and villigers will never attack you no matter what you do. hostile mobs-there are to many to name so il say 5 of them. zombie, creeper, skelotons,silver fish and ghasts. provokeable enemies include-spiders and cave spiders(will attack no matter what if it is night time) iron golems endermen and zombie pigmen. just like hostile ones, there are to may to name.