Advent Reflection Guide | Page 2

Refletion Guide


Advent 2021

Refletion Guide

We welcome you to join us on this Advent journey of reflection , service , and prayer . It is hard to believe that we are once again in the season of Advent . It is also hard to believe that we are again experiencing Advent and Christmas with the backdrop of a global pandemic . It is in times like these that the acts of prayer and reflection are so vital . It is so easy to get caught up in everthing we “ need ” to do before Christmas that we often forget about the importance of taking time to prepare ourselves for the special time that is about to happen .
Advent is a prayerful time of hopeful waiting . We hope to be able to gather with extended family again to celebrate Christmas . We wait in anticipation for the coming of Christ at Christmas and for his return at the end of time . We hope for peace in our world and in our communities . This time of Advent gives us the opportunity to take a step back and to prepare our hearts and minds for Christmas . What a gift !
We hope that this Advent Reflection Guide will aid you in your time of reflection and prayer this Advent . The reflections on the following pages were written by those who have spent time in service . They reflect on the Gospel readings for each week of Advent and Christmas Day and offer prayers and service suggestions .
Please know that our prayers are with you during Advent and into the Christmas season .
Catholic Volunteer Network & Catholic Apostolate Center