Very Rev. Frank S. Donio, S.A.C., D.Min.
When we published our first e-book in 2014, I wrote that it was our desire that all those who would read the book would “reflect on and strengthen their relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God, the Infinite Love.” Now it is with great joy that we release our next e-book, Advent & Christmas.
Much like our last publication, which focused on the subject of mercy, this book has a particular focus on Advent and Christmastime. As we enter into our preparations for the coming of our Lord, it is my hope that this collection of posts from our Ad Infinitum blog will inspire and encourage you to live out the lessons of these seasons into the new year and beyond. As always, I thank all those authors whose works appear in this book.
In his Christmas homily of 2016, Pope Francis said, "Christmas has above all a taste of hope because, for all the darkness in our lives, God’s light shines forth. His gentle light does not frighten us. God, who is in love with us, draws us to himself with his tenderness, by being born poor and frail in our midst, as one of us." One lesson I wish for all of us to take away from this book, is one of hope - hope that this Christmastime ushers in a new year of peace. May this time of preparation and celebration inspire us to be instruments of charity and peace.
I hope these reflections will inspire you to live
out the hopes and joys of Advent and
Christmas this year and in all the years to
May the charity of Christ urge us on!
~Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C.
Director, Catholic Apostolate Center