And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us . ( John 1:14 )
Merry Christmas !
We may have expected the re-telling of Jesus ’ birth from Matthew or Luke ’ s Gospels . Instead , we contemplate God ’ s origin story through the poetic , lyrical prose of John .
Today we consider a new beginning , a moment when “ God so loved the world that God sent us his only son .” This break-through pierces our linear understanding and accounting of the world ’ s story filled with pain , suffering , triumph , and defeat . God ’ s mercy is revealed in a loveable , cuddle-able newborn baby whose limits far outweigh his ability to be independent and to govern with clarity .
How clever , indeed is our God ! It ’ s obvious . Babies have a way of re-focusing , re-purposing , re-organizing the ways we live , the ways we speak , the ways we allow ourselves to practice love and care . My newborn child is 4 months old and she is large and in charge ! I may think my day revolves around my work , my desires , my needs , but her very existence draws me to her in ways that allow me to be softer , more present , more appreciative and grateful , more curious , more sensitive . I am taken by the drama of her cry for food , a diaper change or a nap . She reorientates my day ’ s disappointments with a coo and a laugh . And my day ’ s victories are short-lived until the next cry .
Our God chose to reveal God ’ s self ... God who has always been and continues to be ... as tender , dramatic , and reorienting as a newborn child . Our God ’ s love can be as fragile as a baby ’ s breath . But that fragility is not weakness or strength . Instead , that fragility is real , demands attention , demands a response and an action from us .
Don ’ t think . Don ’ t buy . Don ’ t get stuck in despair . Don ’ t disengage . Find a child to watch , to hold , to listen to . Do this with another person or a small gaggle of friends . Bring that experience of tenderness and amusement to a local shelter , food pantry , street corner or Zoom Room . Bring that experience of attentiveness and willingness to live into joy to the next time you talk with someone you have lost patience for . Commit to serving the child in others , everyday , in every situation you find yourself in .
Living in a community that explicitly created room to name and grow in our own practices of Spirituality gave me the courage to explore my faith and theirs , too . I am grateful for the gift of courage to explore many images of God .
Does John ’ s account of the beginning awaken a different experience of God ? Have you ever prayed to the baby Jesus ? Have you ever pretended to be a follower of John the Baptist just to imagine what kind of person you would be or what kind of person John would have to be ? My practice of Spirituality grew wide and deep while intentionally being of service .
What new or different way of praying is God calling you to explore this Christmas ?
Loving and Gracious God , on this Christmas Day we thank you for the gift of your child , a human being in every way ( except sin ) like us ! May Jesus ’ shining light draw our own light out of ourselves so that we may stand squarely in the truth of who , whose , and where we are .
We pray that we might grow in courage , like John the Baptist , to be so convinced of Your goodness that our testimony of Your love does not promote neutrality , but rather an accompaniment , an affection for those most vulnerable around us . We ask all this , through Your little , baby son whose life gives meaning and purpose to ours . Amen .
Christmas Day | December 25th , 2020