By Mike McCormick, Former Augustinian
Volunteer; Catholic Volunteer Network Staff
"At an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man
will come…” - Matthew 24:37-44
Gospel reading launches us into Advent, with Jesus imploring his disciples to prepare for the
coming of the Son of Man. The disciples are told to “Stay awake!” and are advised to prepare in the way
Noah prepared for the flood, and in the way that a master of the house might prepare if he knew exactly
when a thief would arrive. There is something disarming and perhaps even disconcerting about Jesus’
message today. How many of us are truly “staying awake”? How many of us are prepared to leave our old
lives and habits behind to follow the Lord when, say, the clock strikes twelve?
To me, this Gospel provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on our relationship with time. During my
volunteer year with the Augustinians, I had no idea how quickly time would pass. It seemed like only a
moment between my arrival in California in August and our midyear retreat in January. The second half of
the year passed almost as quickly. All the while, the Community Assistance Program where I worked
challenged me to be organized so that when urgent matters arose, I would be ready to “leave behind” all
my nonessential work and respond. Situations such as clients’ health emergencies, family illnesses and
deaths, home evictions, and mental health crises were more important than my own workday, my
community life, or my own “volunteer experience.” It took quite a lot of experience for me to learn these
priorities, though! While the final day of my service year still snuck up on me like a thief, I like to think I will
now remain just a little more “awake” than if I had never volunteered.
This Advent, I would like to challenge you to offer direct
help to a senior citizen in your community. Oftentimes,
seniors spend the Advent and Christmas seasons in
isolation. Seniors may also face physical challenges which
may prevent them from attending events or visiting
neighbors and friends. Over the next few weeks, can you
offer some of your time – perhaps by visiting with a senior
in their home, or by offering to transport them to a place
they’d like to be?
God, you have given us this Advent
season and we are thankful. We offer
ourselves and everything we do to you.
In the days ahead, help us to show to
each other kindness, patience,
gentleness, and above all love – which
keep us together.
This we ask through your Son, Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
In today’s First Reading from Isaiah, we are granted a vision of what the coming of the Son of Man might
look like: people from all nations will stream together, ascending to the house of the Lord, receiving
instruction, and disperse to spread the Word and the light of God throughout the world. We are also told
how “one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again.”
In contrast to the Gospel’s call for personal readiness (“Stay awake!”), this reading from Isaiah
proclaims that we as nations should prepare too. As we read daily about the conflict and
oppression happening in communities around the world, I find great hope in Isaiah’s words.
God comforts his people. I pray that we the American people, and our leaders, might renew our
multifaceted efforts towards peace for all communities, abroad and at home.
Week 1 of Advent | December 1st, 2019