Advantage Online June 2024_Proof 3 | Page 17


This last month , we have been particularly pleased to add another well-known and highly respected name to the swelling ranks of support available to you from associated professional service firms , in Grant Thornton UK .

The UK based firm are part of a global network of 73,000 professionals operating in 150 markets across the globe , proudly combining global scale with local insight and understanding , to give you the advisory , tax and assurance services needed to realise your ambitions .
Back on UK shores , Grant Thornton employs over 5,000 people , operating across 23 regional offices , led by 200 + partners . Their UK deals practice is ranked number 1 in London and number 2 nationally on Experian ’ s M & A Report 2023 .
Grant Thornton joins FIBA as sector specialists , offering an in-depth knowledge of the specialist finance sector and its current M & A trends , including deal structures and valuations . Their integrated multidisciplinary deals team can support FIBA Members at all stages of your transactions .
Simon Blackburn , Head of financial services M & A in Grant Thornton ’ s corporate finance practice , said on joining , “ Grant Thornton ’ s Financial Services Deals practice has a long history of working with the owners and managers of specialist lenders and intermediaries .
While sector M & A activity has been subdued in recent years due to the impact of the likes of COVID-19 , rising inflation and interest rates , appetite for M & A is returning as latent customer demand remains high , interest rates appear to have stabilised and market optimism has increased .
We look forward to sharing our sector and M & A insights with the FIBA membership and having the opportunity to demonstrate our support to the sector .’’
We are particularly pleased to welcome Grant Thornton and the calibre of assistance they are able to bring to our Members looking for support across their services in this sector .
We look forward to embarking on the journey of education regarding their professional observations and understanding of elements within our sector and achieving a deeper comprehension .
If you would like to learn more about the services Grant Thornton offer , visit the website or get in touch with a member of the team . Why not make contact in the first instance with George RA White-Archer , Business Development Lead , who focuses on Financial Services Deals at George . ra . white-archer @ uk . gt . com .