AdvantaClean of Fort Lauderdale What Can Everyone do to Repair Water Damage | Page 18

Why Mold in the House is Dangerous and Must be Removed A little bit of mold was regarded for years as nothing to be afraid of, but recent years have shown that mold in the house is not a simple case of something one finds in their shower. It can be dangerous for everyone exposed to mold and dangerous for pets, as well. There are, of course, molds that are the typical kinds that one finds that really aren’t much of an issue for people. This is the kind of mold that ones find around a shower or a toilet. A little bit of vinegar and bleach easily dispatches the problem and everyone continues on living in the home without a problem. There are molds, though, that are much more dangerous to people’s health and need to be dealt with, including the infamous “black mold” that everyone’s heard about in the last ten years, or so.