Advancing Corrections Journal Issue #12 - Featured Article | Page 14

Article 12 : Who Fails to Complete Tuberculosis Treatment in Haiti ’ s National Prison , and What Innovations Might Improve Success ?
STP . ( 2015 ). StopTB Partnership . The Paradigm Shift 2016-2020 : Global Plan to End TB . Available : http :// www . stoptb . org / assets / documents / global / plan / GlobalPlanToEndTB _ TheParadigmShift _ 2016-2020 _ StopTBPartnership . pdf . Accessed 5 April 2019 .
WHO . ( 2010 ). World Health Organization Stop TB Initiative Treatment of Tuberculosis : Guidelines , World Health Organization .
WHO . ( 2019 ). Global tuberculosis report , 2019 . Geneva , Switzerland : World Health Organization . Available : https :// www . who . int / tb / publications / global _ report / en /. Accessed 13 July 2021 .
About the Authors
Ms . Kehus graduated from Emory University with a Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology . She has had a career focus on infectious disease epidemiology and addressing health inequities . Currently she works at Detroit Health Department as the Senior Epidemiologist . Work address : 100 Mack Ave ; Detroit , MI 48201
Dr . Margaret Bury MD is a nationally recognized expert on tuberculosis in Haiti . She currently serves as the program manager for Health through Walls ’ office in Port-au-Prince . Previously , she worked in the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization office in Port-au-Prince . Work Address : Health through Walls , Inc .; # 6 Rue Marcadieu – Bourdon Port au Prince , Haiti
Dr . Edwin Prophete MD is a staff physician at Health through Walls , Port-au-Prince , and served as the project director for TB Reach Haiti , a program that implemented Video Observed Therapy in the prisons of Haiti . Work Address : Health through Walls , Inc .; # 6 Rue Marcadieu – Bourdon Port au Prince , Haiti
Ms . Laura Dirks graduated from Emory University with a Masters in Public Health in Global Health . She has had a long-standing interest in global correctional health . Currently She works at South Dakota State University as a Public Health Specialist . Work Address : Morrill Hall 122 , Box 2201 ; Brookings , SD 57007
Dr . Anne Spaulding MD MPH completed her MD at Medical College of Virginia and her MPH at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health . For the past 25 years , her career has focused on infectious diseases in correctional facilities globally . She currently sits on the faculty of Rollins School of Public Health , Emory University , in Atlanta GA , where she is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health . Work Address : 1518 Clifton Road CNR Room 3033 ; Atlanta GA 30033