Advancing Corrections Journal Issue #12 - Featured Article | Page 11

Advancing Corrections Journal : Edition # 12-2021
National Penitentiary . VDOT permits healthcare workers to watch remotely and asynchronously digital recordings of patients swallowing doses of TB medications . VDOT has been shown to improve treatment adherence in low-resources settings as it requires fewer resources and provides more flexibility for the monitoring of adherence ( Garfein et al ., 2015 ). VDOT , therefore , could improve continuity of care for justice-involved Haitians as it will allow healthcare staff to intervene if doses are missed .
We hypothesized that non-healthcare personnel , such as correctional officers in a prison , could make the recordings using a tablet device , and send the recordings to a central healthcare office when an internet connection is accessible . Based on our findings in this baseline study , patients with EPTB and / or those living with HIV should be targeted for participation in the VDOT project and given assistance with discharge planning .
Figure 2 : Schematic of Video Direct Observed Therapy Program for TB Medications . ( Figure courtesy of Myrna del Mar González-Montalvo , MPH . Reviewed by Kelly Collins PhD .)