Renown Health ’ s Advance Directive Policies
Each patient admitted to Renown Health will be given a copy of the patient ’ s rights and responsibilities , and the patient access representative will familiarize the patient with its contents . The patient access representative will also ascertain whether or not the patient currently has an advance directive . If the patient does have a living will or durable power of attorney for healthcare , the document ( s ) will be scanned into the patient ’ s electronic medical record as well as placed in the patient ’ s medical chart .
If the patient does not have an advance directive , the patient access representative will provide the patient with the advance directive forms to complete , should they choose to do so . If requested , Renown Health Social Services will offer assistance with advance directive forms . Patients may also seek assistance from community resources , such as the Washoe County Senior Law Project or Washoe Legal Services . If the patient cannot understand the contents of the form for any reason , Renown Health Social Services will utilize translation services or other assistive devices as necessary to ensure the patient is able to complete an advance directive .
If the patient has an advance directive and has provided Renown Health with a copy of the directive , it will be honored by the system regardless of the range of medical conditions or procedures stipulated within the document . However , there may be individual doctors with admitting / service privileges who , due to religious , ethical or moral conscience objections , may be unwilling or unable to honor a patient ’ s advance directive . If this were ever the case , the doctor and / or hospital will take all reasonable steps to transfer the patient to a doctor who will honor the patient ’ s advance directive per NRS 449A . 457 .
Renown Health will not discriminate against an individual based on whether or not they have an advance directive .
Copies of an advance directive are available through the Patient Access Department . All new employees are informed of patient ’ s rights and responsibilities during new employee orientation and refamiliarized with these rights on an annual basis as a part of their ongoing safety training . Renown Health also provides education regarding patient ’ s rights and responsibilities and advance directives to the community annually per the requirements outlined in the Patient Self Determination Act enacted by the 101st Congress .