Advanced Business Valuation Conference 2013 | Page 2



Dear Colleagues ,
On behalf of the ASA ’ s Business Valuation and Conference Planning Committees , it is my distinct honor to invite you to the ASA ’ s 32nd Annual Advanced Business Valuation Conference . This year ’ s conference will unfold on the beautiful banks of the iconic Riverwalk in San Antonio , Texas .
We have in store a marvelous three days of curriculum whereby we will challenge ourselves to this year ’ s motto - Think Big . Learn Big . As an attendee , you will have close knit access to the finest single collection of advanced business valuation minds and topics in the world this year – right here in San Antonio . Stop and think about that for a moment . This is an unparalleled opportunity in the valuation community that only the ASA provides . It is our sincerest hope that you take full advantage of it !
First and foremost , sessions will offer practical guidance you can utilize directly to the benefit of you and your clients . Our numerous interactive presentations provide an exclusive venue where you can discuss , question , and reason with some of the industry ’ s most notable professionals who will share their candid , insightful advice . You will also have the opportunity to hear stimulating perspectives on critical , changing and even contentious industry issues .
Additionally , this conference presents a natural opportunity to personally connect , network and socialize with colleagues , friends , and former ASA classmates . We also will have occasions to interact with our sponsors as well . As an extra benefit , this year ’ s Advanced BV Conference will be held in conjunction with ASA ’ s International Appraisers Conference . There will be several important joint general sessions focusing on crossover topics that impact appraisers across disciplines .
In the spirit of thinking and learning big , we are aiming at ( hopefully ) exceeding your expectations , extolling the ASA , and extending our profession further towards excellence , rigor , and integrity . These things are what the ASA stands for and continually aspires to .
See you on the Riverwalk ! Best ,
Bryce Erickson , ASA 2013 Conference Chair