Adult Financial Literacy Guide | Page 35

Paying for Post-Secondary Check out this list of ways to save $$ while you are in school. They may not all apply to you but you may find some good tips here! 1. Live at home or get a roommate. Sharing your accommodations is usually much cheaper than living in residence or living on your own. 2. Apply for grants, bursaries and scholarships. It’s worth your while to research and apply for as many as possible. This is all FREE MONEY that you don’t have to pay back. 3. Manage your student loan. If you are offered more money than you actually need, request a lower amount. Avoid the mistake of spending everything and increasing your debt simply because the money is available. 4. Be wary of credit cards. University and college campuses are popular advertising spots for credit card companies looking for new customers. Be cautious! Tips to Save Money While at School 5. Opt-out of health and dental coverage Your tuition will often include fees for health and dental insurance. In most cases you’ll have the opportunity to “opt-out” of the school’s coverage and you could be refunded the fees that would have been included in your tuition. Photo credit abodftyh via Visual hunt CC BY-SA 35