Adult Enrichment Spring Supplement Spring 2019 | Page 5
New! Monarchs, Milkweeds & Miracles
Monarch butterflies are disappearing because of lack of milkweed and protective habitat.
Learn current information about the monarch's migration, life cycle, and milkweed
plants for Minnesota. Master gardeners from the U of MN Extension Office will provide
information about predators and health as time allows. Bonnie Frain
Date: Tue, May 7
Time: 7:00–8:30 pm
Cost: $20
Class #: AEG9
Location: Stillwater Area High School, PAC-G113
New! Raising Monarchs Responsibly
Help save the declining monarch population.
Conserving, enhancing, and restoring monarch
breeding, migration, and habitat are essential
in reversing this downward trend. This class
will have an emphasis on raising and releasing
monarch butterflies. Bonnie Frain
Date: Tue, May 14
Time: 7:00–8:30 pm
Cost: $20
Class #: AEG11
Location: Stillwater Area
High School, PAC-G113
Russian Cake Decorating Tips
Try an easy way to create flowers by using
Russian cake decorating tips. Decorate
12 cupcakes using this new technique.
A supply fee of $12 is payable to the
instructor in class. Diana Hirte
Date: Tue, Mar 26
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $26
Class #: AEF8
Location: John Glenn, 116
Enjoy a sushi dinner with friends as you
learn how to make both the traditional
rolled sushi (makizushi) and the American
California sushi. Learn where to shop,
brands to select, and preparation of the
seasoned rice and other ingredients.
A supply fee of $13 is payable to the
instructor in class. Laurel Severson
Date: Thu, Mar 28
Time: 6:00–9:00 pm
Cost: $25
Class #: AEF2
Location: John Glenn, 116