Adult Enrichment Spring Supplement Spring 2019 | Page 12
New! Drones for Non-Dummies
Small unmanned aerial drones are growing in popularity and are used by recreational
hobbyists, commercial, non-profit, government, and public safety agencies. Learn about
drone safety, rules of the road and air, registration, certification, license, insurance, drone
types, as well as when, how, and where you can fly. Other topics include practical tips,
techniques, and trends. Students ages 12-17 may attend with an adult. Greg Schultz
Date: Wed, Apr 17–24 (2 sessions)
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $49 per person or $65 per adult/youth pair
Class #: AEPC2A
Location: Stillwater Area High School, PAC-G113
Date: Mon, May 13–20 (2 sessions)
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $49 per person or $65 per adult/youth pair
Class #: AEPC2B
Location: Stillwater Area High School, PAC-G113
New! Internet Garage Sale: Selling & Buying on the Internet
Learn to safely sell items from your home on sites like Ebay, OfferUp and Facebook
Marketplace. You may bring your own fully charged laptop (optional). Elise d’Entremont
Date: Thu, Apr 25
Time: 6:30–9:00 pm
Cost: $39
Class #: AEPC3
Location: Boutwells Landing, Technology Training Center
New! Protect Your Identity
Protect one of your most valuable assets—
your identity. Identity theft is real and scams
and hacked accounts are commonplace
today. Learn how to protect your online
identity and keep your devices from being
hijacked. Elise d’Entremont
Date: Thu, May 9
Time: 6:30–9:00 pm
Cost: $39
Class #: AEPC4
Location: Stillwater Area High School,
New! Cut the Cord
Watch your favorite TV stations and movies
without a cable contract! We'll discuss online
streaming options on your smart TV, computer
or mobile device and low- or no-cost options
for your telephone. Elise D’Etremont
Date: Thu, May 23
Time: 6:30–9:00 pm
Cost: $39
Class #: AEPC1
Location: Stillwater Area High School,