Adult Enrichment Spring Supplement Spring 2018 | Page 24
Fly Fishing Made Easy
Did you know fly fishing is great on a lake
for bluegills, bass, and even muskies? It
is not only for trout in streams! Gain the
knowledge of everything you need to get
started and maximize the fun you can have
on the water. Instruction includes casting
basics, equipment, knots, flies and specifics
on how to catch the various species in the
Midwest. Del Kauss
Date: Mon, Apr 16
Time: 6:00–9:00 pm
Cost: $19
Class #: AER1
Location: Skyview, Gym A
Chords are Key for Guitar
Do you have a guitar sitting in your closet
that you've never learned to play? There
is no need to take private lessons—in just
a few hours you can learn enough to give
you years of musical enjoyment. This crash
course will teach you some basic
chords and get you playing along
Capture Your Story
with your favorite songs right
Share memorable stories and experiences
away. Bring your acoustic guitar.
of your life by writing them down for family,
Fee includes an online book
friends, or just for yourself. The focus of
and online instructional video.
a life story is perception, feelings, and
Eric Carannza
experiences associated with events and
Date: Mon, Apr 23
phases of a lifetime. Capture your memories
Time: 7:00–9:00 pm
as a precious legacy and discover the key
Cost: $59
elements to include and the steps to take
Class #: AEM2
when telling your story in writing.
Location: John Glenn,
Gloria VanDemmeltraadt
Date: Sat, Apr 21
Time: 9:00–10:30 am
Cost: $19
Class #: AEGI3
Location: John Glenn, Media