Adult Education Winter 2013 | Page 2

Magazine Winter 2013

Problem Based Learning and Digital Portfolios

In first looking at Project based learning and using Digital Portfolios, these were my top 5 impressions.

1. Technology is a tool. We are not using technology for the sake of technology… even though it

is cool. It must serve a purpose or we should not be using it. I think this holds true for a

digital portfolio also. I think that it is important to be certain that it is not just an exercise. I see

the project as the main avenue for learning “the material” so to speak. And the digital portfolio

is truly an occasion to reflect on learning and examine some of the less obvious lessons.

2. Student is teacher. It is exciting to see students helping other students in the classroom. I

think in project based learning levels the playing field. There are so many more skills that must

be addressed in this model of learning that it speaks to many more students learning styles. And

it is almost common sense, that you learn things differently when you are required to explain it

to others. It also helps “cement” that knowledge.

3. The role of the teacher changes. I love the description of this role reversal from “Sage on

the Stage” to “Guide on the Side”. Teachers engage students on an entirely different level. I

believe it gives teachers freedoms that are not available in a traditional setting. The challenge is

to give up control and to empower your students to be in control.

4. Learning is not done in isolation. Collaboration is needed not only by the students, but by teachers. I believe that it is possible for a single teacher to use problem based learning in a classroom. But

I think it would have a much greater impact when it crosses over subject areas and multiple teachers are involved. Not only does this result in multiple ideas and different perspectives but it provides a built in support system for the teachers.

5. It affords an opportunity to bring passion back into teaching and learning. With project

based learning students literally drive the process and that brings buy in. And when there is buy

in the learning takes on a whole new personal perspective. And when it is personal it “sticks”.

I think the area of project based learning is so exciting because the sky is the limit. It is limited only by the imagination.

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