Adroit Market Research Aluminum Market Size to 2025 | Page 2

Adroit Market Research Global Aluminum Market Size, Status and Forecast 2018-2025 • The global aluminum market holds the second largest market in the consumption volumes among all the metals, surpassed only by steel. In the coming decades, the demand for aluminum will consistently be increasing at unstoppable rates. Recent developments in the motor industry, the rapid growth of cities, new potential uses of aluminum as a substitute to copper in the power industry – these and many other trends mean that the winged metal is well placed to strengthen its dominant position as a key structural material of the 21st century. • The growth of the global aluminum market trends is mainly driven by development in the technological advancements, transport industry, processing equipment, and increase in usage of aluminum in various industries such as foil and packaging, building and constructions. • Geographically, Asia Pacific is one of the leading regions in the market, in terms of massive urbanization, rapid industrial development, and income of people residing in urban areas. The aluminum products provide lucrative opportunities in the aluminum market share due to the growing demand from emerging economies from China and India. Lowering energy requirement is one of the major challenges faced by the aluminum industry. +1 (214) 884-6068 [email protected]