My time at ADMA has been wonderful. Everyone in the agency is so nice. Especially Miss Raindrop. She has guided me through, telling me what I need to fix in order to graduate the ADMA School to become an official model. My most favorite moments at ADMA was graduating the school, and winning the "Look-A-Like", "Who Am I?" and the "Who wore it best" contests for the first time.
"My moments with the staff..."
Upcoming model
Meet Krys one of ADMA's new and upcoming models who have been apart of the agency for well over one month. She's a dedicated member of team Devil with a positive personality and enthusiasm to always compete in our weekly contests. In her own words, she shared with us some of her experiences and outlook on being apart of the ADMA team!
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"Look-A-Like, Who Am I?, Who Wore it Best? contests..."
I was inspired to be a model by my friend. She was and still is a great model. She taught me most of the things I know about modeling and said I should give it a try. So I applied at ADMA because the group looked very organized and amazing. Anyway modeling is a passion I choose to follow to better my self as a model.