ADMA Angelic Devils Modeling Agency | Page 12

Derpina's known for her cute and more femine products that attracts thousands of buyers daily with her use of bright colors and girly style. She gave us the inside scoop on how she manages to stay focused and dedicated to her work, satisfying her fans, even with such a fun and cheeky username like derpina.

"It's hard for me to define what exactly inspires me, because I don't think I really have much of an inspiration or idol. I just make what I think is cute for female avatars. I have attempted to do males, but of course, being a girly girl in real life, I found it much more difficult than making female products. I certainly find it surprising that so many people like my products, but I'm glad I don't disappoint! I plan on continuing the same style I have going on for a long long time."