ADM 507 help A Guide to career/Snaptutorial ADM 507 help A Guide to career/Snaptutorial | Page 3

Total Earned Points 10/10 All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. An inappropriate student behavior is identified and related to the course. (.25) A hierarchical action plan is created and includes a minimum of three (3) logical progressive steps. (.50) The action plan lists the level of discipline to be applied for the behavior. (.25) The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive. (.25) Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. (1.0) How is reasonableness standard applied? How does the reasonableness standard change, depending on the situation? The action plan links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. (.25)