Adjust Everywhere Adjust Everwhere | Page 15

6 Adjust Everywhere Dadashri: Yes, go ahead and do that, but you should adjust to her. This is because things are not in your control. I know who has control over everything. So, do you have any problems with adjusting here? Questioner: No, not at all. Dadashri: [To the wife] Do you have any problems with that? Questioner: No. Dadashri: So then, go ahead and settle the matter. Adjust everywhere. Do you see a problem there? Questioner: None at all. Dadashri: If the husband is the first to say, “Today make everything, onion fritters, a sweet dish, and a vegetable curry.” Then, you [speaking to the wife] should adjust to that. And if you were to say, “I want to sleep early tonight,” then he should adjust to that. Even if he had plans to visit a friend, he should cancel them and go to sleep early. This is because, if you [speaking to the husband] happen to get into trouble with your friend, then you can see to it [later]. But here at home, do not get into trouble. However, in order to maintain a good impression with your friend, you create problems at home. That should not be so. So, if she is the first to speak, then you should adjust to that. Questioner: But what if he has to go to a meeting at eight o’clock and she says, “Go to sleep,” then what should he do? Dadashri: Do not imagine such things. The law of nature is such that, ‘Where there is a will, there is a way.’ If you use your intent-based imagination (kalpana), then